KXC + Solway Merger
On Sunday, June 25th, 2023, we had an All Church Meeting where we announced the merging of King’s Cross Church and Solway Church. And on Sunday, September 3rd 2023 we held our Inaugural Service as a merged church. You can watch the Inaugural Service HERE.
A message from our elders
You've probably heard the whispers, and now it's time to share the exciting news officially: We at King's Cross Church and our friends at Solway Church are on the path of becoming one church family on a mission with Jesus. Merging our churches is a big step, and we’d like to take a moment to share why we believe this is a blessed move for all of us.
First of all, this merger is not something we've jumped into hastily. It's been a lengthy process filled with meetings, dialogues, and most importantly, prayer. We've sought wisdom from God every step of the way and we truly believe that this is His plan for us.
Also, as you know, we've outgrown our current venue at the Soledad Club. We've been praying earnestly, asking God to guide us to a solution that would provide us with the facilities we need to continue growing. And our merger with Solway Church is an incredible answer to those prayers, offering us the resources we need and so much more.
The Solway Church congregation has agreed to close this chapter of their church and begin a new chapter with King’s Cross Church. Therefore, the Solway Church building (formerly First Baptist Church of Pacific Beach) located at 4747 Soledad Mountain Rd will be the new home for King's Cross Church.
As part of this merger, the remaining members of Solway Church will become part of our King's Cross Church family. We believe their addition will enrich our community and further strengthen our commitment to be a church family on mission with Jesus.
The merging of our congregations isn't simply a practical decision. It's deeply rooted in the essence of these biblical principles:
Unity in Christ: Embodying the oneness of the body of Christ, as encouraged by Paul in Ephesians 4:3-6.
Working Together for the Gospel: Bolstering our capacity to spread the Gospel, inspired by Philippians 1:5.
Greater Impact: Striving to be a shining light in our community and beyond, as Jesus guides us in Matthew 5:14-16.
Stewardship of Resources: Wisely managing God’s gifts, as conveyed in the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30.
Body of Christ: Signifying the harmonious working of different parts of the body for the common good, beautifully captured in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.
Church mergers like this happen in many contexts, each offering unique blessings. They can reinvigorate churches that are healthy yet have reached a plateau, breathe new life into struggling congregations, and provide much-needed facilities for church plants, just to name a few.
Joining forces with Solway Church means we're pooling our resources, talents, and energy. This merger allows us to expand our outreach, support our members more effectively, and make a greater impact on our community. We're anticipating the shared learning experiences, mutual support, and spiritual growth that this union will foster. It's like a spiritual potluck—with everyone bringing something to the table.
We understand that change may evoke questions and uncertainties, but please remember, we are in this together. Our commitment is to ensure transparency, to listen to your voices, and to navigate this journey as a united community. This isn’t about two churches disappearing, but one united church family emerging.
As we navigate this journey, one of the many passages that should guide our path is Philippians 2:1-11. Paul's words in this passage beautifully capture the spirit of our union: selflessness, unity, humility, and Christlike love. Paul encourages us, "If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose."
With this guiding principle, we hope to embody these virtues as we merge, stepping into a shared mission with the humility and selflessness of Christ.
So, let's talk, let's pray, and let's step into this new chapter with faith and love.
- Obed, Dan and Jeremy
King's Cross Church and Solway Church are merging! We believe this decision is aligned with our shared vision to spread the love of Christ and serve our community even better. We are also excited to share that the new merged church will retain the name "King's Cross Church".
We announced the merger to the King's Cross Church congregation during an All Church Meeting on June 25th.
The Solway Church congregation graciously agreed to close their church in June and are enthusiastically joining the King's Cross Church family. They have agreed to close this chapter of their church and begin a new chapter with King’s Cross Church.
The Solway Church building will be the new home for King's Cross Church.
The last Sunday of July, specifically Sunday, July 30, will mark the final service at the Soledad Club for King's Cross Church. It will be a bittersweet farewell to our old location, but we look forward to making new memories at our new home at the Solway Church building starting from August.
From August onwards, we will begin to gather for Sunday service at the Solway Church building. The last Sunday of August, we will hold a joint Baptism Service at the bay as a celebration of our unity in faith.
The official launch of the merged King's Cross Church is set for Sunday, September 3. This day represents the culmination of our merger journey, celebrated with a service that formally introduces the united King's Cross Church to the community. We envision this day to echo Revelation 7:9, with a diverse multitude from King's Cross and Solway churches coming together to worship the Lord in unity. It will indeed be a significant day in our shared history, and we're looking forward to celebrating it with you.
Starting in July, the KXC music team will lead worship at Solway Church and oversee the preaching schedule.
The Elders of the new church will be those from King's Cross Church.
Our goal is to integrate and merge the ministry teams from both King's Cross Church and Solway Church. We believe that by uniting our teams, we can combine our strengths, talents, and resources to better serve our congregation and community. In the spirit of Ephesians 4:16, we look forward to each part working together, making our body grow so that it builds itself up in love. More information about the merging of specific ministries will be communicated in the coming weeks.
Following the merger, King's Cross Church will assume responsibility for the operations of the merged church building. This includes overseeing church services, events, maintenance, and facility improvements. We are blessed to share that King's Cross has been provided with the necessary financial resources to manage these new responsibilities. This will ensure the smooth operation of our shared facilities, allowing us to focus our efforts on serving our community and spreading the Gospel.
Yes, there will be. We have formed a dedicated team, consisting of members from both King's Cross Church and Solway Church. This team will oversee upgrades to both the interior and exterior of the building, as well as improvements to the landscaping and parking lot. It's important to note that these improvements will be done in phases. This approach allows us to be thoughtful and efficient in making the building even more welcoming for our church family and visitors. We're very excited about this and look forward to sharing updates as the work progresses.
We want to assure you that there are no outstanding financial issues that will affect the merger. We have thoroughly reviewed the financial aspects of the merger and are pleased to share that there is no debt from Solway Church that we are taking on. Additionally, the building itself is essentially free, and Solway Church has agreed to fund major projects such as the roof and parking lot with their remaining funds. We have consulted with various individuals and groups to ensure that all financial matters have been carefully reviewed and addressed.
Yes, indeed! We will have a joint Baptism Service at the bay on the last Sunday of August. It will be a time of celebration and reflection as we approach the official launch of our newly merged church. We're also excited to announce a Picnic Lunch to encourage fellowship and bonding among the congregations of both churches. This is scheduled for Sunday, July 23rd at 12:30pm, and it will take place at Kate Sessions Park. We hope you can join us as we create new memories together.
The first hire we will be making is a facilities manager. This role is essential in ensuring the smooth operations and maintenance of our church facilities.
We welcome all questions and offers of help! Feel free to reach out to any of the church leaders, join our weekly meetings or participate in the planned events. We appreciate your prayers and support during this transition.
June 25: Solway Church and King's Cross Church (KXC) hold respective meetings to finalize the merger.
Late June: Lease of Solway Church building transferred to KXC
Throughout July: KXC music team begins leading worship at Solway; KXC oversees Solway's preaching schedule; joint planning meetings and feedback sessions occur to integrate teams and ministries; teams start renovations to improve church facilities.
July 1: KXC Cleaning Day 1 at the new building
July 8: KXC Cleaning Day 2 at the new building
July 30: Last KXC service at Soledad Club.
Throughout August: Start of weekly joint services at Solway Church building; administrative systems, teams, and ministries integration continues.
Throughout August: Regular prayer meetings, with the potential for a 24/7 prayer meeting.
August 27: Joint Baptism Service at the bay.
September 3: Official launch of the merged King's Cross Church.
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