We will fast and pray individually throughout the day.


Let us gather together for a powerful time of corporate Prayer and Worship every last Wednesday of every month at 7 pm at 4747 Soledad Mountain Rd.

How To Fast

Fasting, like prayer and Scripture reading, was a common practice among early Christians. Jesus himself fasted and encouraged his followers to do the same. However, modern Western Christians have largely overlooked fasting.

Various reasons contribute to this, including cultural influences, easy access to food, confusion between appetite and hunger, and a focus on the mind over the body. Yet, fasting remains a powerful way to integrate our whole selves around God, offering ourselves to Jesus, growing in holiness, and amplifying our prayers.

Ultimately, fasting helps us connect with our hunger for God, awakening our body and soul to a deep longing for a life immersed in the presence of the Father. As Jesus said, "I have food to eat that you know nothing about" (John 4:32).

The spiritual practices, including fasting, are not formulaic or meant for controlling our spiritual journey or relationship with God. Sometimes they yield breakthroughs, while other times we may feel tired or hungry. That's okay. Our goal is surrendering to Jesus and offering our deepest selves to Him for rescue, salvation, healing, and transformation. Let go of outcomes and approach the spiritual disciplines with love and surrender.

Here are some tips to keep in mind as you fast.

  1. Select A Method: Select a fasting method that suits your health and circumstances. Start where you are, not where you “should” be. If a full day of fasting is too much, start with one meal and break the fast at lunch instead of dinner. You may choose to fast from food for the entire day, abstain from specific types of food, or engage in a partial fast by skipping a meal or two. Alternatively, if you have health concerns or dietary restrictions, you can consider fasting from other activities, such as social media or entertainment, to devote more time to prayer and seeking God.

  2. Think subtraction, not addition: Please do not add fasting into your already overbusy, overfull life. You are likely already stressed and tired. Instead, on the day of fasting, think: What can I cut out? How can I slow my day down? Where can I find a little more time to pray and focus on God? It’s about less, not more. About slowing down and simplifying your life around what matters most: life with Jesus.

  3. Remember the J-curve: Experts on learning tell us that whenever we set out to master a new skill, it tends to follow a J-shaped curve; we tend to get worse before we get better. You may not even notice if you go half a day without eating due to busyness with work or school or life, but when you try fasting, you might wake up with your stomach screaming at you! That’s okay. Expect it to be hard at first; it will get easier in time. Just stay with the Practice.

  4. Spend Time in Scripture: Spend time in the Word of God, reading and reflecting on passages that inspire and encourage you. Let the Scriptures guide your prayers and shape your thoughts as you seek God's will.

  5. Reflect and Journal: Take time to reflect on your fasting experience, noting any insights, revelations, or promptings from the Holy Spirit. Consider keeping a journal to document your thoughts, prayers, and the ways in which God speaks to you during this dedicated time.

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